Friday -- finished
Saturday --finished, too lazy to type atm
What I got from this escapade (will take a pic of most of these later):
Sanshee + HALOLZ booth = Awesome face shirt, Arakune badge, Awesome face portal badge, FAKKU! badge, Hentie badge - $24
Hat booth = Rilakkuma hat, but I accidentally lost it at the convention today and I'm kicking myself for it - $23
TinierMe booth = 22 gacha capsules total - $22
The booth with that one asian woman = Reimu stickers - $3
The booth with chinese people = RemiliaxFlandre Touhou artbook, Remilia & Flandre Scarlet badges - $23
bkub's booth = Charm Vol. NY mini comic book - $1
pantsu-pirate's booth = Minatsuki Takami sketch, friend's RemiliaxSakuya sketch - $15